The Hugs Blog

Why Your Self Care Is Important To Your Kids | Hugs For Kids

Why Your Self Care Is Important To Your Kids

Most parents will tell you about how they hazily go through their earliest days with their newborns, living in isolation on no sleep, constant "am-I-doing-this-right?" anxiety, stress, and a steady...

Why Your Self Care Is Important To Your Kids

Most parents will tell you about how they hazily go through their earliest days with their newborns, living in isolation on no sleep, constant "am-I-doing-this-right?" anxiety, stress, and a steady...

Creative & Beautiful Christmas Eve Traditions | Hugs For Kids

Creative & Beautiful Christmas Eve Traditions

What family Christmas traditions are you forming with your kids? We love the concept of traditions, but sometimes it's difficult to find ones that will last. So with Christmas right around the corner, here are 11  family tradition...

Creative & Beautiful Christmas Eve Traditions

What family Christmas traditions are you forming with your kids? We love the concept of traditions, but sometimes it's difficult to find ones that will last. So with Christmas right around the corner, here are 11  family tradition...

The Five Gift Rule | Hugs For Kids

The Five Gift Rule

Some years your kids want everything for Christmas. Other years they don’t seem to really want anything at all. Both are hard situations to navigate. And regardless of which it...

The Five Gift Rule

Some years your kids want everything for Christmas. Other years they don’t seem to really want anything at all. Both are hard situations to navigate. And regardless of which it...

3 Ways to Emotionally Connect With Your Child | Hugs For Kids

3 Ways to Emotionally Connect With Your Child

It's a busy, crazy world and our culture sometimes makes the effort of connecting fully with our kids a difficult chore. It's okay, I get it. But in doing my...

3 Ways to Emotionally Connect With Your Child

It's a busy, crazy world and our culture sometimes makes the effort of connecting fully with our kids a difficult chore. It's okay, I get it. But in doing my...

Why You Shouldn't Tell Your Kids To Say Sorry | Hugs For Kids

Why You Shouldn't Tell Your Kids To Say Sorry

As one does, the other day I was watching the kids playing on the local playground. There were other kids there and at one point while climbing a ladder, a small...

Why You Shouldn't Tell Your Kids To Say Sorry

As one does, the other day I was watching the kids playing on the local playground. There were other kids there and at one point while climbing a ladder, a small...

When Your Kids Are Ungrateful | Hugs For Kids

When Your Kids Are Ungrateful

With the school holidays over, I have taken some time to reflect on what we did, why we did it and more importantly, how we all dealt with it. And,...

When Your Kids Are Ungrateful

With the school holidays over, I have taken some time to reflect on what we did, why we did it and more importantly, how we all dealt with it. And,...